This wasn't a big project at all, but making a whole bunch of these feels a lil annoying - after the 5th piece, so it took me 2 weeks to finish them. But here are the 20 crowns my sister wants to make brooches from for her shop:
She also dared to order many, many, many crocheted flowers for her self sewed garments to give her stuff a very individual look. She literally said, my crocheted flowers would give her label a face. Sounds good, huh?
Next projects to work on (hard & fast) are the shawl for my sister and the crocheted teddy bear a friend has ordered from me.
Umm, one confession I have to make - I started my first revontuli already :D but I did behave and didn't knit more than the first 25 (pretty short rows). I was almost never as impatient as this time.
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