I know, my picture is not the best - I actually don't have a real camera and just tried it with my mobile phone using its self-timer.
I finished the Lady already 2 weeks ago, showed it off, before blocking it, to my mother & sister who came to visit the h & h in cologne. The h & h was very interesting - my sis managed to get me a card - I visited first of all the hand spinning guild where I got some spinning lessons on the drop spindle and the spinning wheel as well. I also visited the Ashford stand where I tried two of their wheels out and my son learned to card the wool (which he really liked a lot)
Now I'm working on Thien's housesocks, a shawl for my sister, a crocheted teddy bear for a friend ...
Very soon my friend Anja and I will start knitting our first Revontulis as our personal knitalong.
so that's all for now - have to finish the house socks and the swatch to the new mystery at Knitting-Delight.
No Shito, Sherlock
15 hours ago
1 Kommentare:
moin moin,
das Tuch ist schön geworden. Auf dem ersten Blick dachte ich erst, Du hast Dir den Vorhang umgelegt, der hat die gleiche Farbe *lol*
Liebe Grüße
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